Jun 14Liked by Devoted Way

Dear Sora, I love your messages and I feel supported, and the truth of your love shines. This is why I subscribe to your newsletter, despite my inability to move forward atm with my own stuff.

I'm writing in response today because this week in both your notes, the phrase that keeps coming up for me is: "I have no message. I'm not a preacher." I think it cld be helpful to talk Abt how using social media doesn't have to feel like that. Or is it a necessary part of having a voice?

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Michelle, honoring where you are right now and the radiant qualities of your medicine. What if we don't need to be a preacher but instead ourselves? You have stories, lived experiences, wisdom, thoughts, feelings, musings, loves, passions, and blessings. You have hopes and dreams for yourself, for your loved ones and the world. You stepping up and out to share yourself can be your devotional act on platforms such as social media. You could also create your very own Substack and write what is on your heart. I hope this helps. xoxo, Sora

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