Devoted Way with Sora Schilling
Devoted Way Life Coach Podcast
Ep 42. From New York Pace to Sacred Space in Peru

Ep 42. From New York Pace to Sacred Space in Peru

Breathe with me for 5 Weeks

I am currently in Cusco, Peru about catching my breath in high places, both literally and spiritually. Oh my goodness, this made me chuckle…especially because I’ll be heading into ceremony in a couple of days. 


In this episode, I dive into how the ancient energies of Cusco have mingled with my breathwork practice to create some magical musings. Imagine walking through hilly streets, feeling the pulse of the city, and learning to move at the rhythm of your own breath—it's been a profound reminder of how I can all embrace the present moment more deeply and how my breath is impacted when I have placed myself in the future. My body physically reacts.

I also talk about the vibrant dance between our spiritual practice and our day-to-day hustle. It’s about finding that sweet spot where personal growth meets practical life, and I can’t wait to share how this place has inspired me to tell you about Devoted Breathe Abundance, a 5-week breathwork journey that we get to do together online. So, pop in your earbuds and look through the window as I gaze out at the sacred streets and mountains of Cusco. Let’s breathe in this journey together!



00:00 The Impact of Altitude on Breath and Life
03:17 Exploring Abundance Beyond Money
06:37 What to Expect in Devoted Breathe Abundance
13:30 Journeying into Money, Self-Worth, and Ancestral Trauma


Cusco, Peru, altitude, breathwork, retreat, Devoted Breathe Abundance, abundance, money, self-worth, self-love, currency, ancestral trauma, forgiveness, spiritual entrepreneur, evolution, transformation

Discussion about this podcast

Devoted Way with Sora Schilling
Devoted Way Life Coach Podcast
You are like no other divine creature on this earth - in this world. You know it’s time to release all the stories that have been programmed into you that have limited your connection to the Great Mother.
The depth of your compassion swells in your chest, for you are here to be of great service. There is no other reason you were placed on this planet at this time but to devote yourself to the alchemical process and guide others to do the same.
You’ve cut through the illusion and with a sword in one hand and a chalice in the other - you know it is time to embrace your mystical nature and show the world how precise and breathtaking your medicine is.
Devoted Way Life Coach Podcast is a space to hear stories of others like yourself, walking the path of Devotion and remembering that magic is real.